Effective Haskell (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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page 141. calculator.
I suggest you explain a little more about why you introduced the Left and Right types in the Cal...

Effective Haskell Chapter 8
getTerminalSize (Epub p 243) used pure in the case statement and return in the definition of tputScreenDime...

Defining Functor for Either Section (p. 270 ff ePub):
The discussion of the kind error seems as thought kinds have not been introduced ...

In the description of the algorithm for truncateStatus, the third bullet says “If the length of the status line is longer than the displa...

In the “Creating New Variables” section of Chapter 1, it says that you can’t reassign variables once defined. But new Ha...

This is just a general note on UI and helping with the book.
pragprog should make it easier for me as user to edit my erratas/suggestion...

In the section “Wrapping Basic Data Types”, there is the velocity function and gravity (i.e. on earth at sea level) is b...

Hi Rebecca,
On page 321 you use Left and Right in the function showLeftRight and I think that you should explain explicitly what Left an...

On p.386, we have the final version of directorySummaryWithMetrics.
When running the code, we see the histogram results...

This is the first book that has truly helped to learn Haskell and to develop confidence to write programs in this language. Thanks s...

Hi! It’s me again with another bit of feedback :smile: .
The following diagram helps visualize how Haskell evaluates the chain of thunks...

Please make a pass through the book,
getting all the code on 1 side, or the other, of page-breaks,
for e-reader people.
I can’t get ki...

Hi, I got a bit sidetracked, but I now have time to continue with your book, which I am enjoying a lot. You explain the co-recursion in c...
Most Active Over Three Years

At the end of “Depending on Other Files” (ePub p 153), it says “In the next section you’ll learn the basics of Haskell’s syntax and gramm...

In Chapter 8, (Viewing Text One Page at a Time), when defining groupsOf, it says we should use a polymorphic type in the type signature, ...

In the “Functions as Data Types” section of Chapter 4 (ePub p 113), the takeDigits parser is introduced as “we could take some digits fro...

The discussion of why 1 'div' 0 isn’t evaluated in lazyIODemo (ePub p 214) could be expanded. The rationale (don’t want to read an entire...

In the first complete version of runHCat (ePub p. 201), that reads a file and prints it to the screen, LambdaCase is used. First, the pro...

It may be too much nitpicking, but you could consider describing the context in which the two language extensions (OverloadedStrings and ...

The definition of BinaryTree doesn’t allow for an empty tree (the minimum definition is a Leaf with one element) or two elements (next up...

At the end of the subsection on records, it might be nice to mention the practice of defining a default value for a complex record (e.g.,...

In the example:
return "4" >>= ioRead
You could consider adding an explanation, like “Remember that return "4" returns an IO Stri...
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