Effective Haskell (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Allright, so I have put all of the example code for Calculator in chapter 4 on page ~140 in a file and when loading it ...

Hi @RebeccaSkinner,
In for example the Calculator segment of chapter 4, if I run the examples in GHCI this error is returned:
λ: Ad...

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In the discussion of map on page 58 you present the example:
map ($ 10) [(+1), (*3), (`div` 5)]
This confuses me a lot. You introduces...

toPeano :: Int → Peano, does not handle negative Int arguments satisfactorily, setting up an infinite loop.
fromPeano :: Peano → Int is ...

Title: Effective Haskell - Kindle Edition
Chapter: 1 Section: Precedence, Operators, and Fixity
In the first expression, ((((((add add)...
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