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HOT IN Phoenix Chat/Discussion THIS WEEK!
HOT IN Phoenix Chat/Discussion THIS MONTH!

Hi Elixir and React friends!
I read a post (Stephen Bussey - React in LiveView: How and Why?) on use case for reaching react for complex...
HOT IN Phoenix Chat/Discussion THIS YEAR!

Phoenix 1.6.0 got released last week, with built-in authentication and mailer generators, a whole new HEEx (HTML-aware Embedded Elixir) e...
HOT IN Phoenix Chat/Discussion THE LAST THREE YEARS!

I am trying to recycle myself and improve my knowledge about Phoenix. With 1.7 now out, this seems like a good opportunity.

Hey! Just a random thought though: Found an article from fudzilla where AI can be a good debugger. How does one integrate something like ...

Cross posting from Elixir Forum.
Build it with Phoenix is a nice course by Geoffrey Lessel @geo. But if you start with Phoenix 1.7.2 or ...
HOT IN Phoenix Chat/Discussion THIS Over 3 Years!

Inspired by this post from @Carter, which languages, frameworks or other tech or tools do you think is killing it right now? :upside_down...

i am facing difficult using webpack when to install within phoenix framework 1.5.7 because the webpack is still version 4.x.x inf...


Finishing my app to take notes on Videos:
I am aiming to put it online on my playground by this weekend.
Edit: It’s up https://video...

Hi all, does anybody tried Shankar Devy’s Phoenix Inside Out book series?
Also, will there be a big difference (aside from context prior...

In their weekly newsletter, Jared Santo from the Changelog shared this blog post by Mark Ericksen over at
What is really inter...
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