Programming Machine Learning (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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I got this error when executing the plot files on macOS Ventura 13.0.1 with Python 3.10.8 and matplotlib 3.6.1:

From page 13:
On Python 3.7, you can install the libraries with pip by running these commands inside a Python venv using Visual Studio ...

Title: Programming ML (page 200) - installing keras 2.3.1 doesn’t install TensorFlow, as the book suggests.

if someone can help me to understand how to calculate the derivative:
2/m xi ((wxi + b) - yi)
I thought it was: 2/m ((wxi + b) - yi) ...

Programming Machine Learning
From Coding to Deep Learning
German edition
Chapter 11
Training the network
Page 191
def back(...
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