Functional Programming in Java, Second Edition (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Just some thoughts on being hard on exceptions in functional languages.
On p. 167 we read:
Functional style code is amazing, concise, ...

As for FinanceData on page 91, the code for AirportInfo uses the suspect and soon-to-be-deprecated Let’s use i...

It turns out that Try<T> can be ameliorated by judicious application of subclassing: no need to distinguish by actual type in the s...

Nothing surprising here, just adapting the form to the other examples.
Ah yes, compute() now returns an immutable list in all cases.

The filter stream operation appears on several places in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, so it’s difficult to say where to put this, but there s...

I have been thinking about how to collect “two adjacent elements” in a stream, for example transform a stream of Long into a stream of Pa...

Suggestions for some JUnit test improvements in Refactoring the Traditional “for” loop p 181 ff
Below code for testing the original/cla...

We read:
We are using the amazing feature of the switch expression of Java [Java 12]. If you’re using an older version of Java, you may...

A question to highlight is:
Is there a way to make sure that a stream is NOT parallel, and make this evident in the code?
As in:

As traditional , the “impure” code of page 207 in the form of a pretend test.
(Doesn’t “impure” refer to performing uncontrolled side ef...

Although now aged by 34 years:
“The Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages”
by Paul Hudak (1989-09-...

I had real trouble understanding the “memoizer”, I suppose Java syntax does not help in thinking about what should be a one-liner in Lamb...

As usual, but the original code to be refactored was just too evil and had to be fixed.
package chapter11;
import org.junit.jupiter.api...

Nothing special here, same changes as formerly, but we are using people.isEmpty() instead of people.size() == 0 for even better legibilit...

The same remarks apply as for “Refactoring the Traditional for Loop”
No init()
Classes under test implement a common interface that is...
Most Active Over Three Years

The same remarks apply as for “Refactoring the Traditional for Loop”
No init()
Negative tests which apply for input less than 1900, res...

In this code:
We actually create the (temporary) file we want to read and delete it again at the end.
Default charsets for reading text...

The example on page 125 comes closest to the mythical “self-modifying code” (a completely useless concept as modifying the data structure...

Again, some code suggestions for “Chapter 4”, similar to “Chapter 3”
(one would wish to have better markdown syntax highlighting to make...

We read:
public static void betterWay() {
List<File> files =
Stream.of(new File(".").listFiles())

Suggesting a text change:
We read:
We’ve registered a WatchService to observe any change to the current directory.
but what actually...

The usual changes but:
The “FirstRepeatedLetter.findIn()” has been improved out of the box. In particular returning ‘\0’ is too C-like ...

On page 103, the code for FluentMailer provides a static method which is basically a service that (opaquely) instantiates a FluentMailer,...

In Chapter 9, p.164 the stream is parallelized in 1 step.
This inspired my to write some test some code to call a task “in parallel”:

On page 55, we see
final Function<Person, String> byName = person -> person.getName();

This is no particular interest but here is some code that uses the “execute around” pattern to build a timer to time the “primes generato...

On page 15, we read:
In this example we’re sending a function, price -> price * 0.9, as an argument to mapToDouble The function bein...

I suggest this nicer code for the on page on page 70 (we are doing streams after).
Not using a main() but a JUnit 5 Test...

This may be too extensive to change, but I would like to see the code example not as a series of classes with main() but as JUnit test cl...

The text says “oldest” but the code says “eldest”.
Not that it is of much importance.
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