High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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“If you’ve used the history command in your terminal, psql supports a similar “reverse search” by typing “ctrl-r”. Type ctrl-r,...

bin/rails db:reset doesn’t work if there is no socket file locally which is the case if I’m running Postgres from a Docker cont...

Dear Andrew, @andatki
I found the explanation regarding the use of .includes() with a limit in the context of vehicle reservations to b...

Title: High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails: Archiving mentions deleted_at column (p338)
The sql command DELETE FROM trip_positions WH...

Hello @andatki,
On Chapter 8, page 145, in the Generating Data for Experiments section, one of the paragraphs stars with the following: ...
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In the book, you make a reference to acts_as_paranoid, but given the simplicity and popularity: Category: Active Record Soft De...

In this page, you mention:
The Transaction Pooling Mode for PgBouncer cannot be used with Advisory Locks
Can you expand a tit...
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