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Hi everyone,
Does anyone know when will “Agile Web Development in Rails 8” by Pragmatic Bookshelf release. I’m eager to dive into the la...
Hi everyone!
Is there a way to get a free copy of Agile Web Development with Rails 8? Is it possible that I proof-read the book, or some...
HOT IN Ruby on Rails Chat/Discussion THE LAST THREE YEARS!
HOT IN Ruby on Rails Chat/Discussion THIS Over 3 Years!
If you are experiencing Rails console using 100% CPU on your dev machine, then updating your development and test gems might fix the issu...
DHH might like you to believe they are a thing of the past:
I actually went down thi...
And the blog:
Rails has been unapologetically full stack since the beginning. We’ve continuously sought to include ever-more default an...
React is Dead. Long live Reactive Rails! Long live StimulusReflex and ViewComponent!.
Let me tell you about the feeling that I get when ...
I’m very interested in the Stimulus reflex approach for frontend development:
It is a great way to integrate action cable very easily ...
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