Rails Scales! (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Cristian Planas @cplanas
edited by Michael Swaine @michaelswaine
Rails doesn’t scale. So say the naysayers. They’re wrong. Ruby on Rails runs some of the biggest sites in the world, impacting the lives of millions of users while efficiently crunching petabytes of data. This book reveals how they do it, and how you can apply the same techniques to your applications. Optimize everything necessary to make an application function at scale: monitoring, product design, Ruby code, software architecture, database access, caching, and more. Even if your app may never have millions of users, you reduce the costs of hosting and maintaining it.
Optimize every aspect of your Ruby on Rails applications for world-class performance. Tweak your Rails app for snappy responsiveness. Find bottlenecks that slow your code. Scale an app for massive data sets.
This book introduces techniques, patterns, and tricks to make your Rails application become more performant and scale to billions of requests per day. And it does it in an entertaining and fun way, sharing real-life stories of all kinds: tales from the trenches of working on massive Rails apps, and anecdotes from working on much smaller projects in tiny organizations of a handful of engineers. Through all these experiences you will learn that scaling Rails applications is a multifaceted task, including aspects such as monitoring, query tuning, and memory-aware coding.
This book is for programmers of all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced Rails veterans. You can even show your nontechnical colleagues the features and limitations of Rails at scale.
Reading this book will help you make Rails applications that fly. And it will make you enjoy the process.
Cristian Planas has worked with Ruby on Rails for more than 10 years. He has used Rails in wildly different situations, ranging from being the CTO of a start-up, to writing an application for small NGOs. He is currently Group Tech Lead at Zendesk, where he focuses his time on improving the performance of one of the biggest Rails monoliths in the world.
- Full details: Rails Scales!: Practical Techniques for Performance and Growth by Cristian Planas
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