Exploring Graphs with Elixir (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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It’s unclear where the bibo.ttl file comes from (or which priv folder to keep it in)

The listed queries that are enumerated include some duplicates.
The book provides sample code to list them, but this is th...

The importing empty only: [] trick does not seem to work in Elixir 13.3

The property_graph app also needs the following dependency: {:hackney, “~> 1.0”}
This is because bolt_sips now uses tzd...

The book implies that the code samples should be typed in while working through the book. However sometimes the author leav...

The mkdir commands would be easier to use if typed as three distinct commands.

The GitHub page for the source code 404s. The code in the zip file doesn’t compile. The source code in the book itself doesn’t match th...

Title: Exploring Graphs With Elixir B4 - Native graph serialization not working? (51)
I’m working through the section on visualizing gra...

Title: Exploring Graphs with Elixir B4 - missing definition serialize! function NativeGraph.
Serializers.DOT module defini...

Title: Name of book: Exploring graphs with Elixir B4 (48)
The spec for to_png doesn’t match the implementation.
According to the spec, ...
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The mkdir commands would be easier to use if typed as three distinct commands.

It’s unclear where the bibo.ttl file comes from (or which priv folder to keep it in)

The property_graph app also needs the following dependency: {:hackney, “~> 1.0”}
This is because bolt_sips now uses tzd...

The book implies that the code samples should be typed in while working through the book. However sometimes the author leav...

The listed queries that are enumerated include some duplicates.
The book provides sample code to list them, but this is th...

The importing empty only: [] trick does not seem to work in Elixir 13.3
Most Active Over Three Years

This hands-on book will quickly get you building, querying, and comparing graph data models using a robust, concurrent programming langua...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond: P.181 — Ch 5 > Creating the PropertyGraph Project
For anyone curious about installing N...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond
When defining the GraphCommons.Graph module, I noticed a missing module definition for @sto...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond
According to the shorten form sample at the beginning of the page, the id in the long form ...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond: P.181 — Ch 5 > Setting Up a Graph Service > API Demo
After starting iex in the umbr...

The GitHub page for the source code 404s. The code in the zip file doesn’t compile. The source code in the book itself doesn’t match th...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond
I am unsure if the book is intended to be worked through to recreate the library (which is ...

The logic to determine if an ellipsis is shown will always evaluate to false because the variable str is already sliced and has a length ...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond
p.100 – Ch 3 > Storing Graphs in the Graph Store > Listing
“iex> list_...

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond: P.105, 107 — Ch 3 > Visualizing Graphs > Rendering with Graphviz
In making the water...

Title: Exploring Graphs with Elixir B4 - missing definition serialize! function NativeGraph.
Serializers.DOT module defini...

The book states “define the function graph_service/0 within the body of the using/1 macro
in the GraphCommons.Graph module”
The code do...

Title: Name of book: Exploring graphs with Elixir B4 (48)
The spec for to_png doesn’t match the implementation.
According to the spec, ...

I think that this:
use GraphCommons.Query, graph_type: :native, graph_module: __MODULE__
Should be:
use GraphCommons.Query, query_type...

p.147 — Ch 4 > Modeling the Book Graph > Using Maps for Nodes
In finding “a path from the Publisher node p to an Author node a”,
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