Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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As I am working my way through the book today in August of 2024, it appears that blackfriday (v2.1.0) no longer works....

Tests on compare 2 slice of byte fail because there is a difference in the formatting we get after the parseContent() and goldenFile func...
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Title: Name of book: Powerful Command Line Applications in Go (page 7)
Could you put the update to TestCountWords before the new TestCou...

Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go by @rgerardi (pp. 385-387)
You might want to mention modernc.org/sqlite as an alternative that ...

Title: Powerful Command-Line Aplications in Go (page xiii) small typo in description of Chapter 9
Example: “You’ll external packages to ...

On a later page, the author writes “Before running the tests, delete the file .todo.json if it exists from a previous test or ...
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