Small, Sharp Software Tools (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Brian P. Hogan (@bphogan)
edited by Tammy Coron @Paradox927
No matter what language or platform you’re using, the CLI will help you work more effectively. Turn tedious chores into quick tasks: read and write files, manage complex directory hierarchies, perform network diagnostics, download files, work with APIs, and create your own workflows. You’ll work with the Bash shell and the most common command-line utilities available on many flavors of Linux, macOS, and now Windows 10 thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Create files without opening a text editor. Manage complex directory structures and move around your entire file system without touching the mouse. Diagnose network issues and interact with APIs. Chain several commands together to transform data, and create your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks. Hands-on activities and exercises will give you the confidence to use the CLI to its fullest potential. And if you’re worried you’ll wreck your system, you’ll create an Ubuntu virtual machine so you can practice worry-free.
Put down that mouse, open the CLI, and take control of your software development environment.
“Takes the reader on a journey through many of the most powerful command-line tools and utilities in a way that is easy to digest and enjoyable to read. The exercises are practical, useful, empowering, and fun to do. There’s something to be learned from this book whether you’re brand new to the command line or have been using it for years”
–Greg Myers, Support Engineer, GitLab
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