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Disclaimer: I hope all of this is accurate, and not the result of some stupid typo I failed to notice. Anyways…
This post comprises 2 is...
Hi, I just finished reading Programming Phoenix LiveView B10 PDF edition.
I found some typos and errata, and I will report them all in t...
Hi! To get to see the shapes on the board, I think that where it says:
# lib/pento_web/live/game_live/board.ex
def assign_shapes(%{assig...
In PentoWeb.RatingLive.Index.product_rating/1 function, there is a call to <RatingLive.Show.stars rating={rating} product={@product} /...
The last line in the first paragraph on page 99 reads:
…put certain instructions in socket.products.inserts or socket.products.deletes....
The 3rd paragraph on the page states:
Our <.header> function invocation in the index template doesn’t make use of the <:subtit...
Second paragraph in section Protect Routes with Plugs says "The authentication service is defined in the file lib/pento_web/controll...
Talking about the Contex library, I think there is a tiny typo when referencing the library on page 246 (certainly because of auto-correc...
The second paragraph on page 221 describes the demographic display logic:
… If no demographic exists, and the socket assigns key of :de...
Hi! The first code snippet is presented in plain text:
def to_shapes(board) do
board_shape = to_shape(board)
pento_shapes = [board.a...
The test code on page 370 spec
<.canvas viewBox="0 0 200 30">
Based on the attr specs for PentoWeb.GameLive.Component...
Chapter 4. Generators: Live Views and Templates, page 101 3rd paragraph from the bottom - typo in “LiveView”, spelled “liveVie”
You may have noticed that Phoenix fetched the dependencies on this list when you ran mix deps.get.
Did I miss something? We haven’t ru...
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root_layout: {PentoWeb.LayoutView, :root},
This results in the following following error:
no “root” html template defined for PentoWeb...
The code example explicitly adds a layout to the live session used for WrongLive:
root_layout: {PentoWeb.LayoutView, :root},
This m...
The changelog for LiveView 0.20.x stated the deprecation. It seems like it’s largely only a name change, i.e., there’s no functional diff...
if active Pentominos do not showup on the screen it is due to this line on p369
defp assign_shapes(%{assigns: %{board: board}} = socket)...
In this paragraph:
The schema macro is not the only aspect of the Product module that helps us interact with the products database tabl...
Some typos and confusing bits I’ve noticed in the first 100 pages or so:
pp 12: “Now, start the web server” – the output snippet should...
On page 77 the book tells us to add a validation rule checking that the unit price is greater than 0.0 then on page 161 it’s suggested th...
In Chapter 4. Generators: Live Views and Templates, under the Manage Change with a Form Component section push_navigate/2 is described, h...
The form used for promo code on page 140 uses phx-debounce which is later explained and written about as if it the reader hadn’t already ...
Testing the Point module, I realized that 90° and 270° rotation are swapped. According to the figure on page 340, it should be a clockwis...
handle_event/2 in PentoWeb.Admin.DashboardLive should either alias PentoWeb.Admin.SurveyResultsLive or used the full module name when cal...
The second sentence in the last paragraph on the page says:
The call to consumer_uploaded_entries/3 returns a list of upload results…
First, we use %{user_id: user.id, product_id: pid, stars: 5} to create a rating. But then, when we try to create another record to test t...
Second paragraph after the router code snippet reads:
Next, we need a subdirectory, lib/pento_web/live/pento, to house the Pentominoes ...
In the second last paragraph on that page it says “on” instead of “no”:
“…more efficiency since you on longer have to store changesets…”...
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In general, the book isn’t yet updated for Phoenix version 1.6. On page 18 of the book, the authors indicate that an auto generated of ro...
The markup used to display the uploaded image results in a Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer.ParseError error.
It seems the second code snippet is missing the code to set the current_user:
current_user: Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(session[&...
Book: Programming Phoenix LiveView, page 142 (157/378), file lib/pento_web/live/product_live/form_component.ex, in the function below:
“The ProductLive.Index template calls a helper function, live_component/3, that in turn calls on the modal component. ”
Excerpt From: Br...
Title: Programming Phoenix LiveView B8 - entire Ch4 modal component section needs correcting (Page 101-114)
Example: Programming Flutter...
(Phoenix 1.6.6, Ecto 3.7.2, Elixir 1.13)
When building the custom Survey context, we are told to then update the rating.ex file with the...
The introduction instructions under section “Build a Simple LiveView” are incomplete. If followed from book one gets the following error:...
On Chapter 3 - Page 78, the beginning of the page has this code here:
@doc """
Maybe it is missing to put the Pento cont...
The text talks about adding two keys to assigns, a session_id key and a current_user key, but the example code is only showing the sessio...
In the code sample for auth /pento/lib/pento_web/live/user_auth_live.ex the on_mount function is defined as:
on_mount(_, params, %{"...
The schemaless form defined in file “lib/pento_web/live/promo_live.html.heex” on page 133 of the book requires some transformation. The :...
Since LiveView now supports Streams, the generated code seems to be pushing the user in that direction as well.
As a result, the example...
The link to live_patch/2 on the bottom of the page does not work. It seems this function no longer exists in the latest version. This may...
The first heex block of code in the section The Promo Live View should just be the <.header>; the code errors out if you include th...
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