Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Running mix deps.get in the sensor_hub directory fails with the following error:
** (Mix) No SSH public keys found in ~/.ssh. An ssh aut...

The field name for light_in_lumens does not alight with the later work done to build the Phoenix server. Either the field name on pages ...
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Title: Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves: Problem connecting to Postgres with Grafana on (page 64)
If you follow the defau...

Items 14 and 17 are duplicates when getting the materials for the hardware.

There is a missing step before being able to publish data to the Phoenix application: the publisher application must be added as a depend...

Page 7 contains the following line:
the weather station sensor hub project is comprised of sensors
The whole comprises the parts, and...
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