Testing Elixir (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Andrea Leopardi (@whatyouhide) and Jeffrey Matthias (@idlehands),
SoggyWaffle.WeatherCheckerTest is using the :set_mox_from_context setu...

Sorry, I know you asked us not to submit more errata on a recent podcast, but in the interest of correctness…
The test on p22 sets up th...

The code on page 16 of beta 6 uses setup_all but I believe this should be setup. The code in response_parser_test.bak.exs uses setup and ...

First iteration that uses Process.sleep/1 works but the stab on using assert_receive doesn’t. I’ve even increased the timeout to 5,000 mi...

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Title: Testing Elixir: B5 Page 183
Url for stream_data repo should be https://github.com/whatyouhide/stream_data instead of https://gith...

Title: Testing Elixir B5 (page 172)
Inside the “Modified Boiler Plate” info box, the filename for error_tag/3 should be “lib/not_skull_w...

Title: Testing Elixir (Source code)
In the Makefile, provided in source code located at [code/testing_ecto & code/testing_phoenix/no...

Title: Testing Elixir B5: page 128
Under Updating our Tests to include Database fields,
Let’s update the test name to TestingEcto.Schem...

A few issues on code to test average/1:
add_element/2 in Enum.reduce/3 keeps adding 1 (one) to the list, but numbers in input_list are...
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Andrea Leopardi (@whatyouhide) and Jeffrey Matthias (@idlehands),
SoggyWaffle.WeatherCheckerTest is using the :set_mox_from_context setu...
Most Active Over Three Years

Think Again 50% Off Sale »
The theme of this sale is new perspectives on familiar topics.
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Write Elixir tests that you can be proud of. Dive into Elixir’s test philosophy and gain mastery over the terminology and concepts that u...

Title: Testing Elixir - MapSet.new vs. Enum.sort (p. 80 PDF)
The example on this page shows an assertion with the code:
code: assert E...

The with_authenticated_user/1 code sample on PDF page 25 in B2.0 returns the user object, and not the authenticated_user object as I expe...

I believe the second to the last sentence in the third paragraph contains a few typos.
The single element pattern in our anonymous funct...

First iteration that uses Process.sleep/1 works but the stab on using assert_receive doesn’t. I’ve even increased the timeout to 5,000 mi...

Title: Testing Elixir (Source code)
In the Makefile, provided in source code located at [code/testing_ecto & code/testing_phoenix/no...

The text reads:
Additionally, we have to define the test’s pid outside of the function because self() wouldn’t be evaluated until the f...

Is “make both functions public (def instead of def)” on PDF page 85 in B2.0 “make both functions public (def instead of defp)” ?

The code on page 16 of beta 6 uses setup_all but I believe this should be setup. The code in response_parser_test.bak.exs uses setup and ...

Title: Testing Elixir: B5 Page 183
Url for stream_data repo should be https://github.com/whatyouhide/stream_data instead of https://gith...

A few issues on code to test average/1:
add_element/2 in Enum.reduce/3 keeps adding 1 (one) to the list, but numbers in input_list are...

As per ISO 21500:
Quality control is a set of activities for ensuring quality in the outputs of the project (the code here) whereas qua...

Title: Testing Elixir B5: page 128
Under Updating our Tests to include Database fields,
Let’s update the test name to TestingEcto.Schem...

There’s no RollingAverageMeasurements.add_element/1 variant. The two calls to RollingAverageMeasurements.add_element should either be pip...
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