Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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the very first (start) call on the REPL fails for me like this:
43user> (start)
44Execution error at cprop.core/load-config (...

Dmitri Sotnikov @dmitri and Scot Brown @svmbrown
With the guestbook app from the “Adding ClojureScript support” chapter, I get an error ...

@dmitri and @svmbrown
I’m stuck trying to get the ClojureScript file to build and be output to the target directory. I copied the config...
Most Active Over Three Years

Title: Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition, pg 116
Hi - I just started chapter 5 and I am stuck on page 116 while trying to star...

Title: Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition - migrations/create not working: p159
When I execute the command:
user=> (create-...

In chapter 5, page 123 the reader of the book is instructed to start the Shadow.cljs REPL with:
$ npx shadow-cljs cljs-repl app
… upon ...

(json/read-value json/keyword-keys-object-mapper)
json/keyword-keys-object-mapper doesn’t exist
We’ve required cheshire.c...

Hi there. I just started the book and followed the instructions carefully, but I get a warning when I run the (migrate) command on p.10: ...

Hi Dmitri Sotnikov @dmitri and Scot Brown @svmbrown,
I am trying to run some of the source code. Sometimes I’m able to log in fine (runn...

@Dmitri @svmbrown
How do you test an end-point with swagger when authentication is required? I got http 403 error with the set-profile t...

@Dmitri @svmbrown
Does the syntax work on your machines somehow it’s giving me error?
when calling lifecycle function guestbook.core/m...

I’m on p. 219, and previously I think everything was working.
I updated queries.sql as shown in the book and source code: (two - - are s...

I encountered an error when adding the controllers to app-routes defined in app.cljc.
The code in the book references the controllers wi...

Title: Web Development with Clojure: HTTPS Support (pages 5, 31)
Where would I learn about extending the book’s guestbook example to sup...

@Dmitri @svmbrown
Can you clarify this part about cheshire’s usage? I do not see it reflected in code:
We’ve required cheshire.core’s ...

I’m trying to run the source code “guestbook-shadow-demo”. I run “npm install” followed by “npx shadow-cljs watch app” and see ev...

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