Rust Brain Teasers (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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The page number is absent for the “card” pages unfortunately, but it’s before page 70.
println!("2 * 4 = {}", double_it(2));
should be ...

These are the links for asynchronous rust:
Further Reading
Asynchronous Programming in Rust

I see mentions of the ‘IEE-754’ standard, but as far as I know, it’s the IEEE 754-2008 standard (the first paragraph got it right though)...

The author apparently contradicts himself, since in the discussion it becomes apparent that the program will be terminated after running ...

4th paragraph: “When a variable “drops” out of scope, it’s drop destructor is automatically called.”
=> “its”
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Title: Rust Brain Teasers: Type Conversion pg. 12 in the PDF
clippy does lints for both narrowing a type which may be lossy (clippy::cas...

Title: Rust Brain Teasers, page 47
“Because of the extra steps required for heap read/write access—particularly with frequent allocation...

The phrase
Unicode string character by character can consume a lot more memory
than you expected. The string love: ❤ is 7 charac...

pdf beta 1.0
title: How long is String
p. 21
“Rust correctly deduces that there are a total of 10 gylphs” << glyphs

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