Distributed Services with Go (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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No need to synchronize this function? How mmap work with multiple writers?.
func (i *index) Write(off uin...
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When I attempt to go get github.com/tysonmote/gommap I get an error gommap.go:60:15: undefined: mmap_syscall. Has anyone on an M1 mac bee...

Once deployed, I am not able to access the service outside the prolog pods. I can run the client successfully and access the service from...

Distributed Services with Go (pg. 207 && pg. 228)
Looking for suggestions to allow load-balancing to work from outside the k8s n...

Title: Distributed Services with Go
Page 32: protoc api/v1/*.proto
When I r...

Can I run proglog from within Intellij without too much trouble? When I try I get
Error: open : no such file or directory
I assume thi...

When trying to run protoc at this point, I get a different output, I am not sure why. Also, tests fail.
I even tried to see if it would ...

rec, err := s.Log.Read(req.Offset)
I get a compiler error saying there is no “Read” method available on the Log struct. Any ideas on wh...

Some examples in StructureDataWithProtobuf folder are not mentioned in the chapter, esp, the “option” in the exampe.proto and setter_exa...
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