Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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engineers is misspelled in “including hiring more enginners”

Chapter: Document Your Domain
p2 - repeated an
“Once you’ve thought of an an entity”
p4 - spelling of associations

There doesn’t seem to be a difference in the notion of independence between GENRE ->> TITLE_GENRE <<-- TITLE,...

Please use the following format for the title of this thread (then simply delete/replace this text with the content for the thread):

When I added Title: \n\n as instructed, trying to improve readability of the Title node, I got this error:
TypeError: Cannot read proper...

In the section “Additional Arrow Types” on page 65 there is a table describing different arrow styles. In the column Syntax examples are ...

When reshuffling the lines of code to increase the ranks of some of the boxes, looks like there’s a missing line inside the subgraph, the...

Title: Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques: Build Better Software with Mermaid Author: Ashley Peacock – typo on pg xvi (...

The second sentence after the “Diagramming Techniques” heading has an incorrect spelling for the words modeling and language
“The first ...

In section “Create Clear Boundaries With Subgraphs” the subgraph feature is introduced as a boundary. On page 57 within list item 2 it is...

The image in page 84 is the same as in page 81, when it should show instead the additional REVIEW and SEASON tables and t...

@ashleypeacock First of all, thanks for all your effort on this book; I’m looking forward to putting the knowledge you’ve shared to good ...

“Mermaid is supported in sevaral editors”
should be:
“Mermaid is supported in several editors”

after showing the diagram detail of the asynchronous message, the text reads:
which in today’s modern world of microservices and is cri...
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