Manage Your Project Portfolio, Second Edition (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

You have too many projects, and firefighting and multitasking are keeping you from finishing any of them. You need to manage your project portfolio. This fully updated and expanded new edition arms you with agile and lean ways to collect all your work and decide which projects you should do first, second, and never.

Johanna Rothman @jrothman

Edited by Rebecca Gulick

You have too many projects, and firefighting and multitasking are keeping you from finishing any of them. You need to manage your project portfolio. This fully updated and expanded new edition arms you with agile and lean ways to collect all your work and decide which projects you should do first, second, and never.

Define the mission of your team, group, or department. Tie your work to your organization’s mission and show your managers, your board, and your staff what you can accomplish and when. Picture the work you have, and make those difficult decisions, ensuring that all your strength is focused where it needs to be. Scale project portfolio management from one team to the entire enterprise, and integrate Cost of Delay when ranking projects.

You’ll finish projects faster, with the right staffing and schedule.

“Using Johanna Rothman’s excellent tutoring, you will find yourself managing even the most difficult project portfolios in no time. In a clear and concise way, Johanna shows you the ins and outs of project portfolio management.”

–Brian Schau, lead developer, Rovsing Applications

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You have too many projects, and firefighting and multitasking are keeping you from finishing any of them. You need to manage your project...

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