Learn Functional Programming with Elixir (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Elixir's straightforward syntax and this guided tour give you a clean, simple path to learn modern functional programming techniques. Explore immutable values and explicit data transformation, functions, modules, recursive functions, pattern matching, high-order functions, polymorphism, and failure handling, all while avoiding side effects

Ulisses Almeida @ulissesalmeida

Series editor: Bruce A. Tate @redrapids
Developmental editor Jacquelyn Carter @jkcarter

Elixir’s straightforward syntax and this guided tour give you a clean, simple path to learn modern functional programming techniques. Explore immutable values and explicit data transformation, functions, modules, recursive functions, pattern matching, high-order functions, polymorphism, and failure handling, all while avoiding side effects. To get the most out of functional languages, you need to think functionally. This book will get you there.

Extend your programming with pattern matching and flow control. Use recursive functions to create iterations. Work with data types such as lists, tuples, and maps. Improve code reusability and readability with Elixir’s most common high-order functions. Explore how to use lazy computation with streams, design your data, and take advantage of polymorphism with protocols. Combine functions and handle failures in a maintainable way using Elixir features and libraries.

Learn techniques that matter to make code that lives harmoniously with the language. how to take advantage of its combined strengths to build powerful programs quickly.

“Learning to program in a functional style requires one to think differently. When learning a new way of thinking, you cannot rush it. The essence of functional programming is clearly laid out in this book and Elixir is a good language to use for exploring this style of programming.”

–Kim Shrier, Independent Software Developer, Shrier and Deihl

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Elixir's straightforward syntax and this guided tour give you a clean, simple path to learn modern functional programming techniques. Exp...

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