Test-Driven Development for Embedded C (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

James W. Grenning
edited by Jacquelyn Carter @jkcarter
TDD is a modern programming practice that all C developers need to know. It’s a different way to program—unit tests are written in a tight feedback loop with the production code. You get valuable feedback every few minutes. You find mistakes before they become bugs. You get early warning of design problems. You get immediate notification of side-effect defects. You get to spend more time adding valuable features to your product.
James is one of the few experts in applying TDD to embedded C. With his years of training, coaching, and practicing TDD in C, C++, Java, and C# he will lead you from being a novice in TDD to using the techniques that few have mastered.
This book is full of code written for embedded C programmers. You don’t just see the end product, you see how code and tests evolve. James leads you through the thought process and decisions made each step of the way. You’ll learn techniques for test-driving code right next to the hardware, and you’ll learn design principles and how to apply them to C to keep your code clean and flexible.
To run the examples in this book, you will need a C/C++ development environment on your machine, and the GNU GCC tool chain or Microsoft Visual Studio for C++.
“This book is targeting the embedded-programmer-on-the-street and hits its target. It is neither spoon-fed baby talk nor useless theory-spin. In clear and simple prose, James shows working geeks each of the TDD concepts and their C implementations. Any C programmer can benefit from working through this book.”
– Michael “GeePaw” Hill, Senior TDD coach, Anarchy Creek Software
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