Pomodoro Technique Illustrated (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

You have so much you need to accomplish today. Your list is a mile long and you find yourself getting interrupted every other minute. You’d like to tell everyone to leave you alone, but most of the interruptions are coming from you! You think of a phone call you need to make or a web site you need to check and before you know it you’re answering email, checking Twitter, and finding a million other things to occupy your time.

Staffan Nöteberg @staffannoteberg

You have so much you need to accomplish today. Your list is a mile long and you find yourself getting interrupted every other minute. You’d like to tell everyone to leave you alone, but most of the interruptions are coming from you! You think of a phone call you need to make or a web site you need to check and before you know it you’re answering email, checking Twitter, and finding a million other things to occupy your time.

You need to focus—really focus.

The Pomodoro Technique puts you back in charge of your day. You’ll apply successful techniques from software engineering to identify what you should be doing today and to help you achieve your goals. Your mind won’t wander when it is fully engaged in short bursts of focused activity.

Learn to work less and accomplish more using nothing more than paper, pencil, and a simple kitchen timer.

Set the timer and start on your next Pomodoro. When the bell rings take a break. This personal approach to timeboxing is at the core of the Pomodoro technique and this book is filled with advice on how to get started and how to tailor it to your own needs.

" I would strongly suggest getting Pomodoro Technique Illustrated if you plan to learn or at least try the Pomodoro Technique, even more so if you plan for the year is to be more productive!"

Adam Barrett, UTAHCON,COM

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You have so much you need to accomplish today. Your list is a mile long and you find yourself getting interrupted every other minute. You...

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Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf

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