A Scrum Book (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Jeff Sutherland, James O. Coplien, and The Scrum Patterns Group
edited by Adaobi Obi Tulton @aotulton
Building a successful product usually involves teams of people, and the Scrum approach aids in creating the highest possible value. Implementing Scrum gives teams a collection of powerful ideas they can assemble to fit their needs and meet their goals. The ninety-four patterns contained within are nuggets of insight into Scrum’s building blocks, how they work, and how to use them.
Gain insights and depth of rationale into Scrum from many highly respected world authorities, including one of its founders, who lead you through the deep foundations of Scrum’s structure and practice. Enhance and customize your Scrum practice with organizational building blocks called patterns that you can freely and flexibly choose from to fit your needs. Understand and appreciate the history of Scrum and the role it plays in solving common problems in product development.
Learn everything you need to know to master and implement Scrum one step at a time—the agile way.
This book is a tool that will help you discover why and how Scrum works. The patterns in this book provide strategies and a mindset to transform your Scrum journey. Start with the pattern, The Spirit of the Game, and I guarantee your journey will never end."
–Bob Sarni, Founder and Princpal, iOnAgility
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