GraphQL for Rails Developers (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Learn how to build a GraphQL API on top of a Rails application with this step-by-step guide.

Ryan Bigg

GraphQL is seen as a successor to REST APIs. GraphQL allows you to define a strictly typed API and to query for only the information you want, with none of the stuff you don’t. This book will also show you how to make those types defined in your backend API flow through to your frontend code, defining clear types in TypeScript.

A step-by-step guide for building a GraphQL API within a Rails application. Covering queries, mutations, union types, authentication and integration with JavaScript frontend frameworks. Gradually build up a fully-featured GraphQL API with RSpec tests in this step-by-step guide.

Ryan Bigg has been writing books and documentation for programming languages for over a decade. With these books, he’s provided training for thousands of developers around the world.

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Learn how to build a GraphQL API on top of a Rails application with this step-by-step guide. Ryan Bigg GraphQL is seen as a success...

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Learn how to build a GraphQL API on top of a Rails application with this step-by-step guide. Ryan Bigg GraphQL is seen as a success...

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Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf

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