Automate with Grunt (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

JavaScript has moved from being the language you love to hate to the language you need to use. And as JavaScript applications get more complex, you need a process to manage that complexity. While online tutorials just explain how to slap together a configuration file, this book goes further and shows you how to create your own tasks, design your own project templates, combine plugins together to bring a web app to life, and build your own plugins.

Brian P. Hogan (@bphogan)

edited by Susannah Davidson Pfalzer

JavaScript has moved from being the language you love to hate to the language you need to use. And as JavaScript applications get more complex, you need a process to manage that complexity. While online tutorials just explain how to slap together a configuration file, this book goes further and shows you how to create your own tasks, design your own project templates, combine plugins together to bring a web app to life, and build your own plugins.

You’ll start by learning the basics of task creation, error handling, and logging as you create a simple configuration that executes basic JavaScript code using Node.js. Then you’ll jump right into file manipulation as you read, write, copy, and delete files. You’ll learn how Grunt’s powerful multitasks work as you build a task to concatenate files together. Once you’ve got a grasp on these basics, you’ll build a simple app with AngularJS and CoffeeScript, using Grunt to do all the heavy lifting and script processing. Finally, you’ll create your own plugin so you can understand how plugins work.

Each chapter contains hands-on exercises and ideas for further study. Whether you rock Ruby or sling C#, Grunt will be a useful addition to your toolbox.

“Whether you’re still writing your first Grunt task or trying to come up with a complex workflow, this compact and pragmatic book will prove to be a handy companion and give you the confidence to explore the full and rich Grunt ecosystem.”

–Peter Cooper, Managing editor, JavaScript Weekly

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JavaScript has moved from being the language you love to hate to the language you need to use. And as JavaScript applications get more co...

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Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Tag: #book-automate-with-grunt
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