Rediscovering JavaScript (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

Venkat Subramaniam @venkats
edited by Jacquelyn Carter @jkcarter
JavaScript is no longer to be feared or loathed—the world’s most popular and ubiquitous language has evolved into a respectable language. Whether you’re writing front-end applications or server side code, the phenomenal features from ES6 and beyond will get you excited and eager to program with JavaScript. Learn practical tips to apply the elegant parts of the language and the gotchas to avoid.
Write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators. Take it up a notch with features like infinite series, promises, async, and metaprogramming to create flexible, powerful, and extensible libraries. While the evolved features of the language will draw you in, the hundreds of examples in this book will pin the concepts down, for you to use on your projects.
Take command of modern JavaScript and unlock the potential to create powerful applications.
“This concise and brilliant introduction to modern JavaScript keeps the reader engaged by employing simple and direct language, coupled with focused examples and exercises that facilitate rapid learning. Recommended for anyone who wants to discover the joys of ES6/7/8.”
–Suresh Iyer, Polyglot Programmer and Senior Staff Applications Engineer, ServiceNow.
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