Programmer Passport: Prolog (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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In this code:
apply_constraints(MatchA, MatchB, PotentialMatches, RemainingMatches, Day) :-
different_teams(MatchA, MatchB),

The whole section confused me.
First, you can use the ins/2 function to assert that variables are in a range. We’ll use it like this:

Wrong definition of rule: use max instead of min in aggregate:
maximum_path(From, To, Path, Weight) :-
aggregate(min(W, P),...
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At the end of page 45, there is a code snippet as follows:
path_with_length(a, f, [Path, Length]).
but this code brings Prolog into an ...

The definition of maximum_path is shown as identical to that of minimum_path. It looks like both uses of min should be replaced with max.
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