iOS Unit Testing by Example (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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Title: iOS Unit Testing by Example - Unused UIKit module import in CoveredClass.swift (page 39)

In the print version of this text, on page 162 right before the second code sample toward the bottom of the page, the book states to add ...

Title: iOS Unit Testing by Example - Broken link to Pragmatic Programmers Magazine on FIRST acronym (page 27)

In the print version of this text, on page 116 toward the top, the book states to connect each button to it’s @IBAction in ViewController...

Title: iOS Unit Testing by Example: loadViewIfNeeded() call (page 90)
I recently purchased the printed version of this text and on page ...

The text says “The test loads the view controller from the storyboard. Then it sets the make- Analytics property to a closure returning a...

Title: IOS Unit Testing by Example - The default color in Swift labels has changed to white, so you cannot see the text on a white backgr...

In the part where it is explaining how to create a segue, it says: "Select the segue, then in the Identity Inspector, set its identi...

In the print version of this book, page 171, top paragraph, the Show Attributes shortcut is typo:
⌥ - ⌘ - 4
It should be:
⌥ - ⌘ - 5

In the print version of this book, page 172, 4th paragraph, to deselect Connect Hardware Keyboard:
I/O → Keyboard → Connect Hardware Key...

In the print version of this book, page 170, 4th paragraph, the Show Connections Inspector shortcut is typo:
⌥ - ⌘ - 6
It should be:
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